Trust Your Gut

I’ve touched on this before, but it’s worth a revisit — I always trust my gut over anything else. In a world of key performance indicators I have yet to see a single metric that is more important to me than the feeling I get after making a decision. It’s intangible; a survival instinct of sorts but somehow I know when I’m making a good decision based on how I feel. However, this concept gets trickier when you add time to the process.

Time has a way to make you forget things, particularly something that is so “in the moment” such as a feeling. Time makes you start reasoning out decisions, particularly the tough ones, and second-guess your initial gut reaction by looking at other factors. I’ve fallen into this trap before and it’s important to be able to recognize when this happens because I have never found a single time that second-guessing my gut was a good idea.

They say time can heal all wounds, but it can also lead you astray. Own your decisions and forever move on from the matter — it will save you from stressful situations and wasted effort.