Why I publish every day

Consistency > perfection

One of my goals for 2018 was to publish a piece of written content every week, starting with an article about the importance of having goals. You’d know this, but as a quick search through this account will quickly reveal, I completely failed at this goal. You would also know that I believe that New Year’s Resolutions are bullshit but, alas, we already established I shit the bed.

The thing about publishing every day is that it forces me to prioritize ideas over perfect execution every time. Much like working out, the idea is to get started to form a habit of writing every day and then perfect my technique over time. What’s important is to force myself to practice my craft every day to get better over time; publishing is just a way to keep me accountable.

I want to become a better writer, but I’ve been paralyzed by the idea of creating content that isn’t shit. While it’s an honest concern, it also means that most of my work is read by nobody. It also means that although my writing is mediocre at best, it doesn’t fucking matter if nobody reads it and is able to give me feedback.

In order to pursue perfection you must first get in the habit of creating and letting others find your work. What’s the point of creating if nobody ever sees what you made?